GAS 优化
降低 gas 费用 的小窍门
使用紧凑的变量打包(Use Tight Variable Packing):将较小的数据类型组合到一个单一的存储槽中,以利用 Solidity 的存储打包的优势。 例如,在一个结构体中将 uint8、uint16 或 bool 型组合使用,使它们适应单个 32 字节的存储槽。
最小化状态变量:仅在链上存储必要的数据。 对于较大的数据,考虑使用链下存储解决方案(如 IPFS),并在链上存储其哈希值以保证数据的完整性。
Use bytes32 over string: If possible, use bytes32 for fixed-size strings, as it is more gas-efficient than the dynamically-sized string type.
使用 view 和 pure 修饰的函数:将不修改状态的函数标记为 view(如果只需要读取状态)或 pure(如果不需要读取状态),这样在外部调用时可以减少 gas 消耗。
Limit Visibility: Use the most restrictive visibility (private or internal) for functions and variables, as operations are cheaper when they are internal to a contract.
Reuse Computed Values: Store computed values in local variables if they are used multiple times within a function to avoid redundant computation costs.
Efficient Loops and Conditions
Avoid Loops When Possible: Loops can significantly increase gas costs, especially if their iteration count can grow. Consider alternatives like mapping for direct access.
Short-Circuit Evaluation: In if statements and logical expressions, order conditions by likelihood or cost. Solidity evaluates conditions from left to right and stops as soon as the result is determined.
Use Libraries and Delegate Calls
Libraries for Reusable Code: Deploy reusable code as libraries. Libraries can be deployed once and then used by many contracts, reducing the deployment and execution gas costs. Delegate Calls: Use delegate calls for modular architecture. This can reduce the amount of bytecode in a contract, lowering deployment and execution costs.
Efficient Event Logging
Use Events for Data Not Requiring Immediate Retrieval: Instead of storing information that doesn't need to be immediately retrieved in storage variables, emit events. Logs cost significantly less gas than storage.
Testing and Optimization Tools
Use Gas Reporting Tools: Tools like Hardhat and Truffle can report gas usage for contract functions. Identify high-gas functions for optimization. Use Remix IDE: It provides detailed gas consumption for transactions and can help identify expensive operations.
Upgradeable Contracts
Consider Proxy Patterns: Using proxies allows for the logic contract to be upgraded without redeploying the entire contract, saving gas on deploying large contracts.